


The Chaplain invites those to be enrolled to come forward.

Chaplain: Do you wish (name) to become a member of The Union of Catholic Mothers?

Candidate: I do

Chaplain: Do you promise to observe the aims and objects of The Union of Catholic Mothers?

Candidate: I do with the help of God and His Holy Mother.

Blessing of Badges

V. Our help is in the name of the Lord

R. Who made heaven and earth.

V. The Lord be with you. R. And also with you.

Let us pray: O God, by whose word all things are sanctified, pour out your blessings upon this product of your creating hand.

The Chaplain sprinkles the badges with Holy Water and distributes them to new members, saying:

I enrol you in The Union of Catholic Mothers. God grant you the grace to uphold the sanctity of marriage and the holiness of family and domestic life. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.


All members are now invited to renew their commitment. The members all stand and hold their badges in their left hand face upward.

President: In a spirit of joy and love, we come today to renew our commitment to The Union of Catholic Mothers. It is important on this occasion that we should be reminded of the objects to which we pledge ourselves.

The Aims and Objects are now read

Chaplain: What do you ask of the Church?

All: A blessing on the work and ideals of The Union of Catholic Mothers

Chaplain: Do you promise to uphold these ideals in your daily lives?

All: We promise with the help of God and His Holy Mother.

Chaplain: Will you by daily witness endeavour to work for the permanence of marriage and the Catholic upbringing of the children of the Catholic community?

All: We will with the help of God and His Holy Mother.

Chaplain: ln prayer and action will you respect the vocation of all people and do everything in your power to enhance the dignity of everyone?

All: We will with the help of God and His Holy Mother

Chaplain: Will you by prayer and example work for an increase in the call to service as priest, deacon, religious or parish minister?

All: We will with the help of God and His Holy Mother.

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