The Newspaper of the Union of Catholic Mothers is a publication that serves as a medium to share knowledge, ideas, and creativity with a broader audience, preserving thoughts and insights for future reference.
By : UCM media team Winter 2024
The Vatican has granted permission for Our Lady of Walsingham to be celebrated as a new Feast in the dioceses of England, starting this year on 24 September.
DownloadBy : UCM media team Summer 2024
The Catholic faithful will have multiple ways to gain the Jubilee Indulgence for the 2025 Holy Year, according to a new decree promulgated by the Apostolic Penitentiary.
DownloadBy : UCM media team Spring 2024
On Sunday, Pope Francis inaugurated a Year of Prayer ahead of the 2025 Jubilee, calling on the faithful “to pray more fervently to prepare ourselves to live properly this grace-filled
DownloadBy : UCM media team Summer 2023
Margaret has been an active parishioner of St Thomas of Canterbury Waterloo she has been involved in Children’s Liturgy, a Eucharistic Minister,Catechist for First Holy Communion
DownloadBy : UCM media team Spring 2023
The World Day of Social Communications will be celebrated on 21 May 2023. The theme, which connects with that of 2022 – “Listen with the ear of the heart” is intended to form part of the path that will lead the entire Church
DownloadBy : UCM media team Winter 2023
In a broken world, lacerated by war and suffering, Pope Francis asks believers to join him in prayer for peace and reconciliation. He implores the Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace, to offer the solace, guidance, and hope.
DownloadBy : UCM media team Summer 2022
It was a joy to be able to hold The UCM National Council for the first time in three years at The Hayes Conference Centre in Swanwick, Derbyshire and meet up with friends old and new. We were hosted by the Archdiocese of Birmingham
DownloadBy : UCM media team Winter 2022
On Wednesday Night 14th September the Archbishop of Liverpool His Grace Malcolm McMahon invested our former National President now Deputy National President with the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice cross. The Presentation was made at the Liverpool.